At Wintringham we’re committed to not only meeting the physical and medical care needs of our residents, but also enhancing their social and emotional wellbeing. Informed by the Aged Care Royal Commission’s recommendations, our Residential Aged Care team began progressively introducing dedicated Social and Emotional Support (S&E) services from June last year.
S&E integrates two new roles: Social Support Case Managers and S&E Workers. Social Support Case Managers, trained in Social Work and Community Development focus on advocating for residents, assisting with government agency interactions, and identify areas where client’s need assistance to help them achieve personal goals, which improves their quality of life. Our Case Managers also provide daily guidance and support for the S&E Workers.
Meanwhile, S&E Workers are Personal Care Attendants who have specific time allocated to focus on the social and emotional needs of residents. This includes supporting clients to achieve their personal goals like re-organising their room, connecting with family and friends, or exercising.
“This approach reinforces our commitment to social care,” said Danny Stevens, Senior Manager Residential Aged Care. “By encouraging meaningful connections between staff and residents, we address their unique needs and create a more compassionate, fulfilling environment for residents.”