Renovated and renewed for the future

The Alexander Miller Memorial Homes standing on two opposite corners, Havelock St and Campbell Sts, Maryborough, have been extensively renovated and enlarged. The renewal was completed in August 2011.
Wintringham Housing has renovated the twelve one-bedroom units, bringing them to a standard suitable for elderly residents.
By preserving the best of the old and adding the new, high-quality features, the refurbished housing is now of an outstanding standard of which Maryborough can be rightly proud.
Watch the Maryborough Video
How to apply for Social Housing? (Public or Community Housing)
Please visit the Housing Vic website to submit an application, and be placed on the Victorian Housing Register (VHR) to access public or community housing (which includes Wintringham housing). For more information about homelessness services please call 1800 825 955.

Intake and Service Information
03 9034 4824