Wintringham has a Board of Directors who are elected from the Wintringham membership in accordance with our Constitution, and a Senior Executive management team.
Wintringham Housing is a subsidiary company of Wintringham. It has a separate Board, but the same Directors are members of each Board. The Senior Executive manage both Wintringham and Wintringham Housing.
Wintringham also enjoys the service of a cherished group of people who have been with us for 20 years or more. We call them the Twenty Year Brigade.
Head Office for Wintringham and Wintringham Housing Limited
287-313 Macaulay Road, North Melbourne VIC 3051
PO Box 193, Flemington Vic 3031
Phone: 03 9376 1122
Fax: 03 9376 8138
"He was super keen, super committed. He had a vision, a commitment and it all made sense"
- Peter Staples on Bryan Lipmann