Wintringham has a Board of Directors who are elected from the Wintringham membership in accordance with our Constitution, and a Senior Executive management team.
Wintringham Housing is a subsidiary company of Wintringham. It has a separate Board, but the same Directors are members of each Board. The Senior Executive manage both Wintringham and Wintringham Housing.
Wintringham also enjoys the service of a cherished group of people who have been with us for 20 years or more. We call them the Twenty Year Brigade.
Head Office for Wintringham and Wintringham Housing Limited
136 Mt Alexander Road, Flemington VIC 3031
PO Box 193, Flemington Vic 3031
Phone: 03 9376 1122
Fax: 03 9376 8138
"He was super keen, super committed. He had a vision, a commitment and it all made sense"
- Peter Staples on Bryan Lipmann