Supported Accommodation (SRS)
Wintringham opened its first Supported Residential Service (SRS) in 2017. This is the Angus Martin House in Frankston, purchased with a generous donation from the Peter and Lyndy White Foundation.
Wintringham SRS's provide accommodation and support for older Victorians who need help with everyday activities.
If you do not need the full range of care and support offered in our residential hostels but are struggling to live well in fully independent circumstances, a Wintringham SRS may be the solution for you.
With 24 hr staffing, a range of support services available, including a meals service, SRS living is worth investigating.
Wintringham SRS's are registered with the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services who administer the Supported Residential Services (Private Proprietors) Act 2010, and monitors SRS compliance with this Act and its regulations.

SRS Application Form
Medical History Form
Link to Information Pack
Intake and Service Information
03 9034 4824