Home Care Packages
We bring assistance to you at home.
What is a Home Care Package?
A Home Care Package is a tailored service designed to help you stay at home living independently for longer.
The relationship between you and Wintringham is really important to create the right package to meet your needs. Working through your goals, interests and preferences will help you to make informed choices about the services and assistance you’d like to receive. It’s up to you how you would like your package to be managed. You can do a lot, or a little, it’s about what works best for you.
To qualify for a Home Care Package you must be assessed by a Commonwealth Aged Care Assessment Service. There is a wealth of information about how packages work on the Australian Government's My Aged Care website: www.myagedcare.gov.au

How does it work?
Wintringham will work in partnership with you and offer support and advice to help you meet your needs. We will assist and guide you through the government allocated budget and fee structure to create the right care plan that not only suits your needs but fits within the budget too.
What assistance can I purchase?
Case Coordination
Case coordination involves managing your budget, arranging and coordinating services. It’s the nuts and bolts of your package, the things required to get the services into your home and to ensure your services are within a budget. This is a fixed rate service. You will be charged a rate depending on your assessed level of care. You can choose to purchase this service for as long as you need it.
Case Management
A case manager is a qualified and experienced person who can provide practical support and advice. Case Management is a pro rata service. This means you can purchase the services of a case manager if and when you need it.
Leisure and Lifestyle
We have a qualified leisure and lifestyle specialist that will link you into the activities you enjoy. These may include finding opportunities to learn, such as computer classes or art classes. They may help link you in with exercise and wellness therapies.
Help around the home
Our professional Care and Support staff are available to help with the everyday things that need to get done. Cleaning and laundry, shopping and getting to appointments. It could also include someone to help with the gardening or a bit of general home maintenance.
Personal Assistance
Our Personal Care Attendants are trained to provide assistance with personal hygiene and grooming.
Help to stay healthy
Your Case Manager can arrange for nurses or other allied health professionals if you need them. This could include aids and equipment to help you get around or look after yourself.
The government requires Wintringham to provide some mandatory services as part of a Home Care Package. These assist with the initial set up of your Home Care Package, as well as monitoring and reviews.

Who provides the care?
Wintringham provides all its consumers with a choice of highly qualified staff with extensive experience in the provision of care services. Wintringham employs its own staff to ensure the highest standard of care.
We also have a range of contractors with whom we currently work to offer you an even wider choice of who provides your care. We always welcome new partnerships provided we are assured that the service will meet our quality requirements.
I'd like more information...
Download our Schedule of Fees. These apply to people who have government funded Home Care.
Who do I contact?
You can contact our Intake and Service Information line on: 03 9034 4824
Ring direct to one of our Community Housing and Support offices.

Intake and Service Information
03 9034 4824