• I am over 50
  • I am struggling to make ends meet
  • I want a quality affordable home
  • I want help when I need it
  • I Want A Good Life

Taxi tips for safety

by Communications

Catching a taxi is a convenient way to get around. The tips below can help our clients and all taxi passengers feel confident in knowing your boundaries, ensuring you have a safe and comfortable journey.

  • Trust your instincts and assert yourself if you feel uncomfortable. Report safety concerns or discrimination to your Wintringham support worker, the taxi company, and/or the police.
  • Always ask for a receipt, that way you can be assured you have been charged the amount on the meter at the end of your journey and not more.
  • Stay alert, and guide the driver if they go off route.
  • Check the driver’s identification (displayed in the taxi), if you have any concerns, note the driver’s number for reference.
  • If you use a mobility aid, inform the driver when booking so they can prepare the vehicle.
  • Confirm the taxi’s number plates match your booking. If unsure, don’t get in.
  • Carry an identification card including emergency contacts and medical details.
  • Ask for help if needed, drivers should be happy to assist.
  • Sit in the back seat on the curb-side for easy exit.
  • Plan ahead – have payment and keys ready just before you leave. Do not provide payment or a Cabcharge card before your trip ends.

The safety of our clients is of the utmost importance. If there is anything about a driver’s behaviour, the trip, or the cost that concerns you, please contact your Wintringham Case Manager or worker who can support you, as your concerns can be investigated.

How Can We Help You?
If you are over 50, struggling to make ends meet, want a quality affordable home and help when you need it. If you want a good life then contact us on 03 9034 4824.
Who We Are

Wintringham is a not-for-profit welfare organisation created to address the scourge of elderly homelessness. Wintringham Housing is registered in the state of Victoria as a Housing Association.

How Can You Help Us?
Wintringham values the critical roles of staff and volunteers. We also welcome donations and the generosity of philanthropic partners.
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