I am over 50
I am struggling to make ends meet
I want a quality affordable home
I want help when I need it
Wintringham Quality Manager Zoe Jordan went on a study tour towards the end of last year to understand international quality frameworks, explore funding structures, and discover innovative care models that could enhance Wintringham’s approach.
Lyndell White House in Coburg is now at 75 per cent capacity, after welcoming res-idents into its new 49-unit community housing development since August. Support-ed by the Peter and Lyndy White Foundation and the Victorian State Government, the project is already making a meaningful impact.
We offer a unique range of lifestyle and leisure activities.
Wintringham is renowned for the quality and personalised range of leisure activities we support our clients to achieve.
Wintringham is a not-for-profit welfare organisation created to address the scourge of elderly homelessness. Wintringham Housing is registered in the state of Victoria as a Housing Association.