Country living in stylish, affordable units

There are 10 new Alexander Miller Memorial Homes at 76-80 Church St, Benalla. They have been built to the highest aesthetic and design standards, ensuring that universal access and environmental sustainability are given priority. The units have one bedroom and a separate lounge/kitchen area.
In partnership with the Victorian Government's Office of Housing Strategy for Growth, Wintringham Housing will ensure that Alexander Miller's legacy continues to feature in the landscape of Benalla.
The redeveloped units were completed and re-occupied in April 2012.
How to apply for Social Housing? (Public or Community Housing)
Please visit the Housing Vic website to submit an application, and be placed on the Victorian Housing Register (VHR) to access public or community housing (which includes Wintringham housing). For more information about homelessness services please call 1800 825 955.
Intake and Service Information
03 9034 4824