Arthur Jepson has been a star at Wintringham for as long as the company has existed. He is an 'Original'; one of the great crew who came from the Gordon House night shelter when it closed.
He was there at McLean Lodge on the day it opened.
Arthur happily embraced a new life with Wintringham; able to get the help he needed, but always very much his own man.
Few of us are as loved as Arthur. He has brought happiness to many lives.

As this picture shows, Arthur is a person who knows how to relax and let the grass grow around him. He has retained a life-long interest in the sport of kings - horseracing - and is rarely seen without a form guide in his hands. However, everyone's equanimity was destroyed the day Arthur stepped out to cross Mt Alexander Rd on his way to the TAB and was struck by a tram. The attending doctor shook his head as Arthur was loaded into an ambulance: 'No hope I'm afraid.'
That doctor didn't know Arthur's indomitable spirit. It was a long recovery, but he made it back home to McLean Lodge and didn't mind telling people with a big laugh, 'I was hit by a tram!'