For many years Pat lived at Gordon House, a homeless persons night shelter in South Melbourne, where he was the president of the resident’s social committee. A big and passionate Irishman, Pat had fought in the British, Indian and Australian armies, but at Gordon House he became the genial friend of both residents and staff.
Gordon House could be a frightening and intimidating place to live or work, and many a time Pat would be found sitting in a corner of the building, with a fortifying glass in hand, providing wise advice to new residents or staff.

Pat ruled the resident’s social committee with an iron hand.
He tolerated no interruptions or deviations from his agenda, he was always quick to confront fellow residents or management on behalf of someone whom he thought had been unjustly treated.
Wintringham’s first residential service, McLean Lodge in Flemington, is named in memory of our friend Pat McLean who died before the building was completed.