Ron Conn's best mate at Gordon House was Jack Gash.
Jack moved to Wintringham’s McLean Lodge in 1993. Ron moved to Gippsland, but continued to visit his mate Jack in Melbourne, before eventually being persuaded by Bryan Lipmann to take up an offer of a new housing unit at Wintringham’s Atkins Terrace in Kensington.
Ron Conn and Jack Gash could sit and yarn for hours, re-hashing old stories, laughing at shared memories and in general making the most of the human comedy. They always found pleasure in each other's company; Ron and Jack's friendship flourished in their time together at Wintringham.
There’s nothing like the experience of homelessness to teach the value of mateship.
Ron Conn & Jack Gash
It seems fitting, then, that the units around the Ron Conn Nursing Home will forever more be known as Jack Gash Housing. It is our earnest hope that the people living there will find the same pleasure and camaraderie as Ron Conn and Jack Gash found in each other’s company.