Wintringham is a not-for-profit welfare organisation created to address the scourge of elderly homelessness. Wintringham Housing is registered in the state of Victoria as a Housing Association.
Catching a taxi is a convenient way to get around. Here are some tips to help our clients and all taxi passengers feel confident when travelling, and stay safe.
It’s official – our new 35-unit community housing site, Patricia Larkin housing in Golden Square, Bendigo is now open.
Wintringham is excited to present our 2023/24 Annual Review. This snapshot celebrates the contribution that every single Wintringham team member has made over the past year
Wintringham will represent and fight for the rights of the elderly poor and homeless to achieve equality and social justice. We will continue to be an international leader providing an environment where individuality is respected and honoured and where all receive their rightful entitlement to support and care in a place they call home.